Healthcare Blog | Advanced Medical Reviews

Quality Healthcare for Patients | Advanced Medical Reviews

Written by Admin | Mar 13, 2015 7:00:00 AM

At AMR, we believe that every patient should receive quality healthcare. Quality is getting the right care to the right patient at the right time – every time. Quality means the best of the best, and as medical review coordinator this means it is my job to provide our clients with good quality healthcare; care that is based on the latest evidence from medical research about what types of care works best for them. When medical evidence is available about what care works best for a patient's condition, then using that evidence means we’re using good quality care in our cases. Research has shown that some patients are receiving care that does not measure up to quality standards. Each individual is different and each circumstance is unique, so it is important for us to respect and listen to our clients carefully and provide thorough explanations they can understand that will measure up to those quality standards.

Our strict quality assurance protocols and HIPAA compliance exceed client expectations and provide consistent security and privacy. Our URAC accreditation assures our clients that AMR adheres to quality assurance, HIPAA compliance, PHI confidentiality and security. This means our clients are receiving quality healthcare through communication, compassion and trust. Clients should feel empowered to ask questions and it is our duty to make sure these questions are answered. Good quality healthcare also means we are providing our clients with skilled and knowledgeable physicians who will be attentive to their needs and give each of their cases personalized attention. Each physician takes our client’s values and preferences into account and makes decisions based on quality healthcare standards. It is our job to provide quality assurance checks on all medical reviews. Quality healthcare means we value our client’s time, so it is our responsibility to follow up with our network of physicians to ensure the client receives the results they need in a timely matter.

For me, quality healthcare can be easily summed up and defined as giving our clients the right services they need when they need it by using the appropriate procedures and protocols to achieve the best possible results.

By Monica Duong

Monica Duong is an AMR Medical Review Coordinator II whose responsibilities including dispatching, QAing, and processing cases for the SWAT and Externals team. She is currently the point/lead person for ACCTS and she manages the externals/LS cases. Monica is passionate about God. "My faith is everything to me and it's what's driving my other passions- one of which includes completing school and obtaining a Doctorate." Fun fact: She loves traveling, attending sporting events and doing new and challenging activities like rocking climbing, dancing, snowboarding, and aerial  hoops and silks.